Employee Spotlight:
Melody Stone

Q: Start by introducing yourself, tell us about your background and interests, and let us know what your role is at ASEC.
I’m Melody Stone. I’ve worked in the DOD industry for over 15 years doing mostly IT work. I did a few months as a Test Resource Manager but found myself back in IT. Between the evolving knowledge and salary, its hard to leave once you’ve found your footing.
Q: What other roles and projects have you been involved with at ASEC?
Recently I’ve sat in on a few Business Development calls. Which I found to be interesting. I’ve always heard proposal talk but never actually saw the behind-the-scenes stuff. Along with my normal day to day IT tasks, I often find myself volunteering to help in other departments. Normally with our office admin staff and security team. Sometimes its nice to step outside of your normal tasking and see what others are working on. I also played a role in the PAX corporate office move from the Shangri-La drive to Expedition drive. I’m very happy its almost done. I will say it was a good learning experience but was also stressful at times. I sat in on most of the meetings, so I heard/saw everything from carpet colors to alarm systems and everything in between.
Q: What made you feel that ASEC aligned with your work ethic?
ASEC’s motto is doing what’s right for the warfighter. Its helping others. I’ve always found pride in helping others succeed. Whether at work or a personal feat. So, knowing that is what’s important to the company (along with all the ASEC fun stuff 😊) made picking ASEC 3 years ago, an easy decision.
Q: When you think about where you’d like to go in your career, how does ASEC match up with your aspirations?
ASEC management and executive team Is not only supportive but encouraging when it comes to furthering my knowledge in my current role and seeking other opportunities within the company.
Q: If you came across someone at a similar point in their career, or at a similar point to the one you were at, why would you recommend coming to work for ASEC?
The work life balance at ASEC is nothing I have come across before. I never feel like I have to chose work over my family. I never feel guilty taking a personal day, whether it’s a sick kid, or a mental health day. So, I would tell someone at a similar career point in work like balance is important to you, ASEC is the place to be.
Q: Can you share an experience where ‘Being the expert’ was particularly crucial in your role?
Being the expert is important in so many ways. One of my roles involves inspections with government entities. During these inspections its important to make sure everything is done exactly as the government has outlined. One ding could potentially cost the company a significant loss in money. Leading up to my first inspection I made sure I became the expert on internal and external processes. This paid off because I passed the first inspection with minimal improvement suggestions. I continued to become the expert and did even better at the next inspection by receiving improved results.
Q: ‘Be Loyal’ is a core value at ASEC. How do you interpret this, and how has it influenced your decisions or actions at work?
Being loyal to a company or job is no different than being loyal to a friend or family member. You’re taught at a young age to treat people the way you want to be treated. Treat your job the way you want the job to treat you. If you do your job well, you’ll be rewarded not only with self-satisfaction, but raises, bonus, and awards.
Q: If someone was considering a career at ASEC – what advice would you give them?
I’d ask them to list what is most important to them. Money and benefits can always be negotiated, and you’ll find similar offerings at most contractors. What you won’t find everywhere is an environment like ASEC.
Q: What advice would you give to someone new to the company on how to succeed at ASEC?
Don’t be afraid to seek help from colleagues and management. Its easy to feel lost or intimidated in a new environment. At ASEC you will find some of the friendliest people. Management always has their door open and is more than willing to help.
Q: Is there anything else you’d like to add about working at ASEC?
It’s a great place to work!